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Sally Moore

Journeys from the Source
Australian Flora Remedies

Three C4 triturations

  1. Australian Acacias (WA) 2018
  2. Eucalyptus Wandoo (WA) 2019
  3. Balga (WA) 2020


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In 2018 a group of homoeopaths came together to do a trituration to explore the healing qualities of the Australian Acacia species of flora. From this many questions arose and the idea has grown into an awareness that the Australian flora has much to offer.

The European and American flora homoeopathic materia medica that we use is so valuable to the healing of people across the world. Australian flora could well have its own healing benefits.

Australia is the oldest and most isolated continent in the world, providing a treasure trove for homoeopaths to explore and use as gifts to society, family and an individual’s healing journey.

The value of experiencing a proving, as stated by Hahnemann “…the best provings of the pure effects of simple medicines… are those which the healthy, unprejudiced and sensitive physician institutes on himself with all the caution and care here enjoined. He knows with the greatest certainty the things he has experienced in his own person.” Aphorism 141 – The Organon

Trituration was the process chosen for the provings of these remedies, as the process releases the “inner Wesen” (inner knowledge) of the substance. It appears that this knowledge is amplified through the trituration process as it takes us into the heart and soul of a substance, there by facilitating change in ourselves and in our patients from the inside out.

Through the delivery of this paper we will share the depths, insights and healing values that were shared with us (the triturators) by the flora which we took to the C5 level.

Additional Relevant Information: 

Through the journey of the triturations a consciousness of the Aboriginal people’s connection to this land (Australia) and its flora became apparent.

The need to gain permission from the peoples of the land to access the flora and to exercise deliberate actions of respect to them, the flora and the earth became essential as we journeyed within the triturations. These aspects and insights will be shared within the delivery of this paper.

Sally came to homoeopathy from a career in ceramics, being introduced through the illnesses of her children through the 1980s.

She then studied at the Oceanic Institute of Homoeopathy and became a registered homoeopath in 2000, practising since 2000 in the Perth region of WA as the principal homoeopath at the Olive Homoeopathic Healing Group, with its three locations.

Sally has spent several years working as a volunteer at the Cancer Foundation.

Using a love of travel to enhance her learning and practice she has spent time in Goa, India in 2005, volunteering in homoeopathic clinics in Sri Lanka in 2011 and studying under George Vithoulkas in Greece in 2019.

After attending a seminar by Alize Timmerman, Sally became interested in the technique of provings by the trituration method and C4 homoeopathy.

“I found that the process of trituration leads me on a journey. The journey is not only observed and experienced but also profound in its insights. The substances seemed to speak to me. Touching my soul leaving insights and understandings of themselves like gifts”.

In 2017 Sally self-published three of these experiences: Colostrum, Olive Leaf and Sage.

In 2018, with the guidance of an experienced mentor in trituration, a group began triturating Australian native flora with the hopeful intent to explore what remedy treasures the Australian continent holds.

My presentation is the result of these triturations.

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