The Time is 10:43 PM (AEST)

Rudi Verspoor

Understanding Hahnemann's Medical System Within the Broader Scientific and Medical Revolution of the Time


Presentation Clip



Hahnemann’s medical system is not an isolated boulder, but an integral part of a profound scientific revolution at the time, known generally as Romanticism, the understanding of which provides a richer and more meaningful context within which to better understand and ultilise Hahnemann’s system. The Romantic revolution, relating particularly to the issue of life, health and illness, not only gives a greater appreciation for Hahnemann’s genius, but provides a rational framework for a scientific healthcare system based on natural laws of vital nature, of which Hahnemann’s medical system would be an integral part.

Rudi Verspoor has been working in the healthcare field since 1995. His family background involved homoeopathy, and natural health generally. He also has a background as a historian and researcher, which led him, in conjunction with Steven Decker, to the publishing of The Dynamic Legacy: from Homeopathy to Heilkunst (available on-line at, based on previously neglected and sometimes untranslated works. Steven Decker’s rendition of Hahnemann’s Organon provided the basis for Wenda Brewster O’Reilly’s edition.

Since then, continued collaboration has resulted findings that place Hahnemann within a much broader revolution in medicine at the time, and which continues to this day. Rudi founded the Hahnemann Center for Heilkunst in 1997 to disseminate these new findings regarding Hahnemann’s complete medical system as well as its relationship with other aspects of a dynamic system of healthcare and to train practitioners, through the Hahnemann College and since 2015, the School for Romantic Science and Healthcare.

Various websites and publications are available on-line.

Rudi also presented a two-part webinar on Hahnemann and his place within the broader medical revolution going on at the time in Germany, in 2020, via the AHA. This webinar provides a good background to the material that will be presented at the conference.