Proceedings of the 2021 ~online~ Inside Out AHA conference.
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Gerry Dendrinos: Political update – living within and coping without
Kim Elia – key presenter: The epistemology of homoeopathic practice; Part 1: Learning from Experience; Part 2: From Past to Present
Pierre Fontaine: Understanding the use of mosses in homoeopathy and the differentiation with other plants
Joanne Greenland: Defending homoeopathy: a new use for the Law of Similars
Michael Higginson: The Dynamic Structure of a Drug Disease
Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI), Dr Alex Tournier & Rachel Roberts: Research update
Michelle Hookham: Safety in case-taking: the trauma-informed journey from outside to inside to outside
Dr Zilika Jain: Migraine – a friend for life?
Dr John Millar: Miasms, nosodes and epigenetics: an examination of miasmatic theory in the light of the science of epigenetics, with an emphasis on non-classical nosodes in cases of suppression
Sally Moore: Journeys from the source – Australian flora remedies
Rachel Roberts: Fostering maturation of the homeopathy evidence base
Dr Rajan Sankaran: Sensation & plant subclasses
Peter Tumminello: Serpentine and the tectonic shift
Rudi Verspoor: Understanding Hahnemann’s medical system within the broader scientific and medical revolution of the time
Professor George Vithoulkas: A possible theory about the action of homoeopathic remedies
Ronald Whitmont: Homoeopathy and the human microbiome: the clinical and practical relevance of modern biological science and homoeopathic medicine
Dr Michal Yakir: Australian proving of Araucaria bidwillii & ancient plant remedies