Gerry Dendrinos introduces us to the therapeutics/organ remedies approach to supporting our clients. There are ways of finding remedies in homoeopathy, apart from constitutional prescribing, that involve applying a therapeutics and organ remedies approach. This approach can be used to find remedies to support a case or even solve a case in its own right.
Gerry will explore the traditional homoeopathic literature alongside remedies that we can use in everyday practice and clinical case examples.
About the presenter:
Gerry Dendrinos has been in continual private practice as a homoeopath and herbalist in Canberra for over 23 years, during which time he has also taught homoeopathy and herbal medicine at tertiary level and presented at national conferences. One of his areas of particular interest has been the diversity of homoeopathic practice, in particular its interface with traditional herbalism.
Gerry has also worked in the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and alongside the complementary medicine sector to challenge the 2015 NHMRC Homoeopathy Review and support the sector.
Gerry served as President of the Australian Homoeopathic Association from 2017 to 2021 and continues to be a member of the AHA National Council.