The art of individualisation is the beauty of homoeopathy.
There are many symptoms given by a patient during a homoeopathic case taking interview, but what stands out are the most striking, uncommon, peculiar, rare and strange characteristic signs and symptoms, which indeed are the pointers towards individualising a person, the key for the selection of the most suited medicine in order to bring about the most desired result.
“If you are unable to find characteristic symptom in an individual send him to an allopathic practitioner and ask what it is that doesn’t fit with the disease symptoms…” — J.T. Kent
Selecting a remedy based on symptoms which are peculiar rather than the common symptoms of the disease, this is the benchmark of only one system of medicine and that is homoeopathy.
Learn and experience how to pick up the most characteristic symptoms from the maze of symptoms, constructing a totality from the peculiar characteristic symptoms using different types of approaches, to arrive at the homoeopathic similimum.