Michelle Hookham MMHN; Lic Hom LCCH; Dip App Sc. AROH Regd., MAHA

Safety in case-taking
The trauma informed journey from outside to inside to outside
Presentation Clip
Homoeopathic case-taking is a deeply therapeutic process. A person has the space to fully express the nature of their complaint/s and simultaneously, there is time for the practitioner to perceive the underlying cause of their alteration in health.
Like the theme of this conference, it’s a journey together as the inside comes to the outside, and the weaving of the dance can be absolutely transformational in the healing process.
Homoeopathic philosophy holds the value of the ‘unprejudiced observer’ as essential to understanding the unique expression of symptoms in every case. However, when someone has a history of trauma, care needs to be taken to ensure safe disclosure so that the person does not experience re-traumatisation.
This presentation will utilise my experience as a homoeopath and mental health practitioner in private practice to share insights from my learnings and evolution in practice.
The presentation will explore:
- A refresher of case-taking principles according to our esteemed teachers
- How this sits with trauma-informed care
- Ethics and duty of care
- Clinical examples highlighting the challenges
- Professional collaboration
- Supervision and mentoring
- Keeping yourself safe
Michelle is a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse and Homoeopath, with experience spanning 30 years in healthcare across a diverse range of settings. She has an established private practice in Windsor, New South Wales, and clinical experience across both professions enhances the practice of the other, with the evolution of a unique skill set that is both flexible and holistic.
Michelle is a past Chairperson to the International Council for Homeopathy (ICH) and past National President of the Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA).