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Michael Higginson

The dynamic structure of a drug disease:

Perceiving Silicea using four states as examples: glass, sand, silicon chip, silicone sealant.


Presentation Clips

Michael's Presentation Part 1, broadcast before the online conference



Though the same substance each state of disease will look quite different as illustrated by the four states.

Can we predict clinical conditions based on the above-mentioned qualities?

We will show you how.

Can these qualities be referenced to historical cured cases?

We will mention some examples.

Signs and symptoms are the forms but as practitioners, we must perceive the dynamic unseen structure. The above examples of chip, sealant, glass, and sand give us some clues.

It is possible to appreciate remedy relationships from this perspective. Some examples will be given.

Some brief reflections on pathophysiology, toxicology, biochemistry will show what we know Silicea can cause. It will also show how an appreciation of the natural disease can deeply inform our prescribing.

Other perspectives on Silicea, for example, anthroposophy will be discussed.
An introduction to the time dimension, the miasmatic cleavage of Silicea and its implications for posology will be explored.

Why is Silicea prone to suppression and valuable in the suppressed state? If this is properly understood, it should be possible to predict patient susceptibility to suppression.

There is a rationale for Silicea as remedy epidemicus for neurodevelopmental disease. If Hahnemann could predict probable remedies for cholera, what remedies would we predict for truncated neurology on the basis of a disturbed microbiome?

Case examples: rheumatoid arthritis, acute renal failure, febrile convulsions, Crohn’s disease.

In this paper I would like to begin to synthesize an appreciation of Silicea from diverse sources of knowledge.


Silicea is a pre-eminent remedy for suppression.

We have an epidemic of neurodevelopmental diseases caused by generations of suppression.

We must now seek to correct this from the inside out.

Michael Higginson has been working as a homoeopath for 31 years working in Geelong, Victoria, Australia in continuous fulltime private practice.

He has a genetics and zoology degree from Latrobe University, a degree in Natural Medicine from the University of Southern Cross in Lismore NSW and an advanced diploma in Natural Therapies, from the Southern School of Natural Therapies in Melbourne.

Michael has travelled to India 3 times – studying with the ICR – the Institute of Clinical Research in Mumbai. In particular while at ICR, Michael studied with Dr Dilip Dixit, a senior and highly experienced homoeopathic clinician. Dr. Dixit ran live seminars in Melbourne and Brisbane Australia for nearly 30 years and Michael participated in and helped facilitate many of these.  Michael’s approach to homoeopathy is deeply informed by the ICR and its dedicated physicians.

Michael presented a paper on ‘A Logical Appreciations of Miasms’ at the 2006 AHA conference, followed by a 2-day seminar in Perth for further explanation requested by interested participants. In 1999 he presented a paper on ‘Alternatives to HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and managing menopause’ at the Asian Homoeopathic Medical League conference in Brisbane. In 2018 a paper on Silica was presented to the British faculty of homeopathy conference in Liverpool England.

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