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Gerry Dendrinos

Political update – Living Within & Coping Without


Presentation Clip



In March 2015 the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) released its report on homoeopathy, which turned the world of homoeopathy ‘inside out’.  It’s been difficult, but has it been all bad? Has the challenge served to push the homoeopathic profession along the long road to ultimate recognition and acceptance?

Gerry gives an update of political and other actions that have been taken by the AHA and its partners in response to this wake-up call, to help unite and transition the profession to a position of renewed stability, political influence and expanded future potential.

Gerry has been the President of the Australian Homoeopathic Association since 2017

Gerry has been in continual private practice as a homoeopath and herbalist in Canberra for over 20 years, during which time he has also taught homoeopathy and herbal medicine at tertiary level.

In early May 2011, Gerry accepted a position in the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) at a time when the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) draft position statement on homoeopathy was leaked to the media. While at the TGA, Gerry observed first-hand the complex relationship between the complementary medicine (CM) sector, government and the influence of anti-CM vested interests.

Since mid-2015, Gerry has worked alongside the CM sector investigating the NHMRC’s focus on homoeopathy, resulting in a Complaint accepted for investigation by the Commonwealth Ombudsman

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