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Dr Michal Yakir PhD, RCHom

The Ancient Plants and the Evolution of Gaia

Aracuraea bidwilli trituration in Australia


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For a long time, ancient plants have been missing from our repertories and from our clinics, apart from two or three remedies.


Working with them in the last years has shown me that ancient plants connect us with earth’s evolutions, just as the flowering plants describe human evolution. In fact, there are six stages of earth’s evolution which the ancient plants talk about – just as the modern plants – who consist of the 7th stage – do.


The ancients connect us even better to Gaia and humanity’s shared mission, offering us healing which relates to much needed qualities in our day, from old age diseases to all parts of ourselves that need healing – so we can pass healthily to our 7th stage.

The Australian pine, araucaria bidwillii, trituration will be explored as an example.

I have been working as a homoeopath over 30 years – almost half of my life.  In my youth I was a nature guide and a gardener in a kibbutz, and studying biology, herbology and ecology at university just came naturally. The love of nature and plants has stayed with me ever since.

By the end of my MSc at university, I felt that whatever I would be able to do in my field would not really make a difference for the world and, so, I turned to studying homoeopathy. Right away I felt that research is needed in this field and I completed my PhD at the medical school of Jerusalem on the effectiveness of homoeopathy in women`s PMS. A worthy cause – but even this was out-shadowed by my growing understanding of the relevance of the botanical order to the plant remedies in homeopathy.

And so, for the next 20-something years I studied the flowering plants, got to be privy to some of their secrets – and realised the grand scheme first-hand: the fractal web (described beautifully by Jan Scholten) that plants, animals, minerals and humanity are part of. 

Once the flowering plants work was done, I was led to begin investigation into the ancient plants and their connection to earth evolution, an evolution we are part of, an evolution that part of our work is to help heal when it goes out of balance. A work that nowadays deeply connects me to Earth – Gaia.

In between, I served as the chairwoman of the Israeli Homeopathic Association for 4 years and as its journal editor for over 12 years. I wrote the book “Wondrous Order – Systematic Table of Homeopathic Plant Remedies” and started teaching it internationally – something I do to this day.

In the little spare time I have, I like working or sitting and dreaming in my little garden.